Bernard Marcelly wrote:

Sub mySelectionOfDataBrowser Dim frame1 As Object, frame2 As Object Dim oModel As Object Dim oResults As Object Dim oGrid As Object Dim oDoc as object Dim oDataSourceBrowser as Object Dim oSelection as Variant Dim ii As Long

oDoc = thiscomponent
frame1 = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
frame2 = frame1.findFrame("_beamer",4)
if IsNull(frame2) then
  MsgBox("Beamer not found !", 16)
  Exit Sub
end if
oDataSourcebrowser = frame2.Controller
oModel = oDataSourcebrowser.com_sun_star_awt_XTabController_getModel
oResults = oModel.createResultSet
oGrid = oDataSourceBrowser.CurrentControl
oSelection = oGrid.Selection
if UBound(oSelection) >= 0 then
  For ii= 0 To UBound(oSelection)
    if oResults.absolute(oSelection(ii)) then
      MsgBox( oResults.Columns(0).String & " : " & _
              oResults.Columns(4).String )
      MsgBox("Position not found : " & oSelection(ii), 16)
    end if
  MsgBox("No line selected in beamer", 16)
end if
End Sub

This would be a great snippet for our collection would someone who was interested in this thread mind to summerize at least the availability of constructs like oDataSourcebrowser.com_sun_star_awt_XTabController_getModel which is something maybe many people are searching but nobody beside Poalo knows that it exists.


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