Hi Ian

This BOF has potential to dovetail in with other presentations, the two
most obvious ones being:
* Paolo Mantovani's "Deploying OOo extensions through UNO packages".
* Lauren Godard's "Add-on: from Production to End Users".

Following what i proposed at my IRC conf at sping
the points you enumerate will be covered by my BoF as it addresses the scripting project goals.

Moreover, macros has to be understood as internal scripting, so the tools and teams will have to be setup for different languages : OOoBasic, python, javascript, java (and perharps C++)

You are invited at this conf. So is obviously Paolo as he will cover a related topic in its presentation.
And obviously, everybody else :)


Laurent Godard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Ingénierie OpenOffice.org
Indesko >> http://www.indesko.com
Nuxeo CPS >> http://www.nuxeo.com - http://www.cps-project.org
Livre "Programmation OpenOffice.org", Eyrolles 2004

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