Hi Tobias,

due to your help my project is close to be finished.

I have one last question: how can I minimize my whole OpenOffice window
to the taskbar of my OS?

I did not find a thing for this, only how to terminate my OO.

as far as I know there is no UNO-API for this purpose, but you could try your luck with system dependend calls ... on Windows something like the following should do what your want

Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal lHwnd As Long, _
    ByVal lCmdShow As Long) As Boolean

sub MinWindow
    dim frame
    dim window
    dim handle
    frame  = StarDesktop.getActiveFrame()
    window = frame.getContainerWindow()
    handle = window.getWindowHandle(dimarray(), 1) ' 1=WIN32
    ShowWindow( handle, 2 )
end sub

Hope that helps



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