Sorry to post an obnoxious "Urgent" comment in the header, but I'm 
online with a client's computer through VNC and if it's at all possible 
I need to resolve this problem while online.

When I wrote my Java program that interfaces with OOo, I was using 
1.0.x.  All I'm doing is loading a file, printing it, closing it, then 
repeating with the next file.  Originally, in 1.0.x, because I wanted 
to print, then close, then open a new file, then print again, I ran 
into problems when I closed a document that I had just tried to print.

To solve that problem, I created a print listener.  I would do 
everything necessary to get ready to print the document, including 
setting the print options and so on.  Then I'd add a print listener, 
print, and would print, then have a loop that would sleep 1/100 of a 
second until the listener indicated the file was no longer printing.  
Then I return to the calling function which will then close the 
document and repeat the process by opening the next document.

I think I've been told, and likely here, that in 2.0.x, print listeners 
like this are no longer necessary, but I'm having a bit of a problem 
searching and finding this comment and what the background is.

In 2.0.x, can I print, then close the document without listening for 
when the print job is done?  Can someone confirm this for me?  I've 
been stuck on this problem for about a month (I thought it was other 
possibilities, and had another couple issues as well) and I'm at a 
point where I need to solve it and my client is, understandably, 
anxious about it.

Any help, especially quickly, would be a HUGE help.  I'm not trying to 
be arrogant about this, but I've done everything I can and I'm still 
boxed into a corner.

Thanks for any insight into this!


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