Hi Cor,

Cor Nouws escribió:
Hi *,

In Impress, I can get the page and also read / write
or    oPage.BackGround.setProtertyValue ("FillColor", 16777215)
However, whatever I write, I see no effect on the actual slide.

Any idea?

if you want to change any property of the background, you have to instantiate a new background and replace the existing one (if existing at all, as it can be set at the master page, instead of at every individual DrawPage)

Sub Demo
        Dim oDoc as Object
        oDoc = ThisComponent
        Dim oDrawPages as Object, oDrawPage as Object
        oDrawPages = oDoc.getDrawPages()        
        oDrawPage = oDrawPages.getByIndex(0)
        Dim oBackground as Object
        oBackground = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.Background")
        oBackground.FillColor = RGB(250,0,0)
        oDrawPage.Background = oBackground
End Sub

see http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/drawing/Background.html

"this service provides the properties to describe a background filling for a drawing page. It can be obtained by the ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory of a document and be set on draw pages that support a filled background."


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



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