Hello Frank,

On Saturday 17 January 2009 19:08, Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany 
> Hi Carsten,
> > With the following we work have been enhanced this API, by extending
> > it with new interfaces.
> ....
> > +com.sun.star.awt.XMenuExtended2
> >
> > interface XMenuExtended2
> > {
> >     interface com::sun::star::awt::XMenuExtended;
> >     interface com::sun::star::awt::XMenu;
> > ...
> Given that "XMenuExtended" is not published, I suggest putting the
> extensions made to it via "XMenuExtended2" directly into
> "XMenuExtended". This would noticably reduce the API complexity IMO.

I first proposed that, but Carsten answered (I quote a private mail assuming 
his kind permission):

"There is one problem with your 
solution, I don't want that we change an interface (XMenuExtended) 
incompatible which has been available since four years. Although it's 
not published yet changing it would be a bad signal for developers who 
already use the interface. Therefore, from my point of view, the only 
solution would be to add a new interface providing access to images."

> (And while we are at it ... is it just me as non-native English speaker
> who thinks that "XFooExtended" sounds like ... well, non-native English
> speakers creating API names? XExtendedFoo, or XFooExtension, or XFoo2,
> or ... but "XFooExtended"?)

yes, there is the (deprecated) XExtendedToolkit. I just followed the 
XMenuExtended naming scheme, as it wouldn't make any sense to name
XExtendedMenu2 with a XMenuExtended, so I also named XPopupMenuExtended, 

I know my design is awful and looks complicated, but that's the best I could 
imagine in the current OOo API design/situation; vid. 

Today [in d...@openoffice.org] Jürgen suggested "an incompatible change and 
redesign of the toolkit or a complete new one. First and foremost should we 
make use of the UNO "ease of use" features, means multiple inheritance, 
service constructor etc. to make it more comfortable and easier to use."

The awt module is just a reflection of the global situation in OOo API, or how 
do we interpret things like css.ucb.XSimpleFIleAccess/2/3 ... n? When will it 
stop? when they reach XSimpleFileAccess30?
Of course css.ucb.SimpleFIleAccess/XSimpleFileAccess cannot be changed because 
they are published, the same goes for css.awt.X/PopupMenu and 
css.awt.X/MenuBar, so IMHO the published/unpublished concept should be 
Others FOSS projects are not affraid of incompatible changes, as FOSS is life 
and movement not something mummified.

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

"Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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