Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany wrote:

> IRC, you already made another exception in another thread where we
> discussed that, namely you agreed that adding non-optional properties to
> published services should be allowed.> Using your arguments from above, I 
> could say that this shouldn't be
> allowed, as there could be extensions which implement this service, and
> thus we would need to invalidate all existing extensions if we ever add
> such a property. Of course this would be nonsense, as an educated guess
> would probably tell us that not a single extension in the world exists
> which implements this service.

This is an insufficient comparison. I was talking about old style
services and you should know that their specification has only
documentary purpose. Adding a property here can't break existing code
and by adding a "since" tag you can make clear for new code that it must
be aware of older implementations not supporting it (means: plan for
catching an exception). But anyway, if you feel the need to forbid that
also, no problem.

> All in all, I am much less pessimistic than you are about the acceptance
> of such changes. And that's probably the central question, like with
> every change: Would it please more users than it would repel?
> In the concrete case, not repelling users is a matter of having control
> over what we do (instead of just allowing any kind of change for any
> release), and that's where we disagree: I think we *are* able to retain
> that control.
> So how do we proceed? Who's to finally decide that?

Exactly this question is the reason why I want to have a "black and
white" rule, and it should be simple to apply it. The best I can see so
far is: as long as an interface is used or implemented inside OOo, it's
possible that changing it can break code. Anything that can break
existing code should be possible only in major releases and there should
be a good, commonly accepted root cause for the change (changing a
single interface just for language esthetical feelings IMHO isn't one of
them). Otherwise we will always have lengthy discussions like this one.


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