Hi Sergio,

> oStmt = oConn.createStatement()
> oStmt.setPropertyValue("ResultSetType", 
> com.sun.star.sdbc.ResultSetType.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE)
> oStmt.setPropertyValue("ResultSetConcurrency", 
> com.sun.star.sdbc.ResultSetConcurrency.READ_ONLY)
> oRs = oStmt.executeQuery(sql_string)
> oRs.next
> c = oRs.getRow
> print c '= 1
> oRs.next
> print oRs.getRow '= 2
> oRs.absolute(c) 'give False with MySQL only
> print oRs.getRow '= 2 ***error*** with MySQL only
> If I connect to HSQL, it works giving 1 at the end, while if I connect 
> to MySQL, it return 2 at the end.
> Do I make an error?
> MySQL 5.1.40 - Connector 3.51.27 - OOo 3.1.1

In general, the result set type you specify (SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, in your
example) is a request which might not necessarily be fulfilled by the
database driver. That is, the driver is free to "downgrade" it, if it
doesn't support a particular type. Whether this downgrade happens
silently, or with a warning (or not at all, but execution would fail),
is at the discretion of the driver.

That said, it might be (do not know this out of my head) that the MySQL
Connector decided to downgrade your result set type to FORWARD_ONLY. In
this case, "absolute" is not expected to work, only "next" can be used then.

Provided that the driver provides proper information, you can check this
  Print oRs.ResultSetType ' should be 1004 [1]
, or, if you need the information before actually executing the statement:
  Print oConn.MetaData.supportsResultSetConcurrency( _
    com.sun.star.sdbc.ResultSetType.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, _
    com.sun.star.sdbc.ResultSetConcurrency.READ_ONLY )
(However, the latter method is known to be improperly implemented by
some drivers, though I think the MySQL Connector is not amongst those.)

If you find that indeed the SCROLL_INSENSITIVE type is not supported by
the driver, then you might consider upgrading the Connector/ODBC -
finally, the 3.51 series is *really* old meanwhile.



> p.s. If I connect with extension native driver for OOo, it works, so 
> I'll use it, but it would be however a bug. And in Ubuntu, wich use 
> MySQL 5.0.75, native connector is not available.
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- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         frank.schoenh...@sun.com -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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