Hi there,

so far I have been under the assumptions that the list of properties
that one is able to supply to the XPrintable.print(...) method matches
the options that can be given in the GUI of the respective component
type. This way each document type would have a common set of properties,
but also additional print properties it would honor. Then, that's what I
was expecting, the task would be to find the documentation of the print
properties of the respective document type.

Now, trying to print a presentation and taking advantage of its GUI
defined print properties programmatically (i.e. print the presentation
in form of handouts, where each page would depict a programmatically
defined number of slides per printed page)  seems to not be possible. At
least I cannot find any documentation or working examples for this.

So, two questions:

    * Is it intended that the print properties for XPrintable.print(...)
      allow for defining all print options that the document type's GUI
      allows for?
    * How can one exploit the GUI print options for presentations
      (simpress components) such, that one can programmatically print
      handouts with multiple slides per printed page?


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