On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Cliff Woolley wrote:

> > Your right, this can do that.  However, we really can't keep that from
> > happening.  In reality, the mmap_setaside function should just map it back
> > to a file opened out of the new pool.

I see now that by "map it back to a file" you meant reopen the file into
the new pool and make it a file bucket, rather than the way I interpreted
it before which was "MMAP a file opened out of the new pool"... see my
previous message where I became enlightened.  =-)  Anyway, does this mean
that the apr_mmap_t is going to have to store the file path?  Or the mmap
bucket could do it, I guess.  This will work, but it just doesn't feel
right to me.  It seems like an awful lot of work just to get around the
fact that we might delete the mmap out from under ourselves elsewhere in
the code...  I still feel like there should be some way to tweak the
cleanups to be smart about this sort of thing...


   Cliff Woolley
   Charlottesville, VA

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