William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:


 if there is a way to plug in code into apr, apr-util, httpd, or any other
ASF project after the fact, then I'm +1 on choices (GNU?  MS?  Sun?
Who cares???)

However, if we choose to 'distribute' code, e.g. binary builds, and those
would (by virtue of our choices) require a GPL distribution, that's not only earning a non-technical -1, but an outright outrageous position for the Chairman of the ASF to hold. Of course, I don't suppose that is what you meant in this message.

 If we plug in some ./configure style choices for the 'non-unix' platforms,
that earns my wholehearted +1.  In this case, it's nothing less than you
can do when using ./configure on unix to a GNU distro of iconv.

This last is what I had in mind, yes; but note that this has to be done at build time, and that the person who creates the binaries would have to use GNU libiconv sources or a pre-built library.

 And bravo and congrats to Brane... excelent work on the Win32 build
schema for Win32 apr-iconv!

Thanks; I try. With a bit of luck, I may even get apr-iconv to a useful state on Windows. :-)


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