On 16/10/09 16:41, Jonathan Leffler wrote:

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 7:31 AM, Yuri V. Vishnevskiy
<yuri.vishnevs...@gmail.com <mailto:yuri.vishnevs...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    This is related with another my problem. If I close stdout by
    apr_file_close, then the standard printf and fprintf(stdout, )
    functions are no more working.
    I've tested this on Windows and Linux.

If you close standard output, functions that write to standard output
should not succeed - there is nowhere for the information to go.  That
is (or, IMO, should be) expected behaviour.

What 99% users would need is apr_file_attach_std* set of functions
giving the apr_file_t capable API without destroying the system
std streams.

And we should probably protect the sigleton apr_file_open_std*
against multiple invocations, cause the always acts upon a
singleton std stream object.


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