On 16/10/09 16:56, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Mladen Turk wrote:

What 99% users would need is apr_file_attach_std* set of functions
giving the apr_file_t capable API without destroying the system
std streams.

And we should probably protect the sigleton apr_file_open_std*
against multiple invocations, cause the always acts upon a
singleton std stream object.

We already have it.

Simply don't call close() :)

Sure. However we should at least return EBADF on a second
invocation cause we know the first one will destroy stdout when
closed (directly, via pool destroy or via terminate)

For 2.0 apr_file_attach_std* might be a valuable addition
for repetitive apr_file_t objects allowing file API without
jeopardizing the stream integrity.


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