On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 18:14 -0500, Bob Rossi wrote:
> OK, do you like what I'm suggesting? An interface that takes a
> va_list, that behaves just like printf...
> If you like it, what would you like the name of the function to be
> called? Any pointers?

No opinion, to be honest, because I rarely use the whole thing these
days. The best thing to do is:

1. Open a bug report and put you patch in it (so it doesn't slip through
the cracks on the list).

2. Let the list know (attach the patch) that you are proposing a change
or addition in API for 2.0, explain why, how etc. and you'll get
feedback from folks on the list.

Once that's all discussed and decided, someone will then commit the
patch for you.

PS. Although our rules allow all API to be broken on a major release, if
something worked in a previous major release and API can be added
instead of replaced, this (IMHO) is a better way of going about things.


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