
We were looking at "get_artifact" function usage in the service template. It 
seems we don't have an implementation for it currently.
The get_artifact function has the below grammer as per the spec.

get_artifact: [ <modelable_entity_name>, <artifact_name>, <location>, <remove> ]

We have few clarifications and questions over this.

Do we need to use the get_artifact function only for input value assignment 
within a specific operation ?

We have 3 options before as per the grammer

  1.  Retrieving artifact without specified location - without (location)
  2.  Retrieving artifact as a local path - with location as LOCAL_FILE
  3.  Retrieving artifact in a specified location - with location as user given 
How does the orchestrator need to handle these 3 options
With 1st option as per the example , it seems the orchestrator should host the 
provided artifact in a local path of remote URL and assign that URL to input 
With 2nd option the orchestrator should store the artifacts in a local path 
(orchestrator provided ) and have that path assigned to the input variable
With 3rd option the orchestrator should store the artifacts in a local 
path(user provided) and have that path assigned to the input variable
With these 3 options we also have an option to remove the artifact after the 
operation execution.
So the questions is when should the get_artifact be resolved ? Is it during the 
parsing or during the execution ?


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