Aria-Tosca Community:

        I wanted to take a formal poll of the community in terms of
our official support for the Windows platform.  While the project should
continue running as the project is a python package, this is more around
the logistics/efforts/resources we as a project have to invest in 
maintaining support for that platform; specifically, our CI and testing
as well as documentation around installation, etc...

        What prompted me to think about this is that over the past week or so, 
have encountered a number of strange CI failures that have required 
considerable time 
spent on trying to get things working.  As some of you might have gathered from
slack/email, Tal spent a ton of time trying to fixing the latest issues and
was still not able to completely resolve them which is why the current
plan is that committers have to do manual tests, which have their own 
associated costs.  As a team we have limited resources to work on the project,
so I wanted to make sure we are focusing them all on moving towards release

        As a result earlier this week I asked people in/around the project 
and found no one using or developing on that platform, so I wanted to 
ask here formally if anyone is interested in our continued support
of the platform or not.  If you are, please indicate in as much detail
as you can as to why/how.  I would also like to here if you are not explicitly,
but if I don’t, I will assume that people aren’t. 

        Also, if you do not feel like you can post that to the public
list, please contact me offline and I will keep your responses anonymous.
I would like to gather this input over the course of the next week so that
we can make a decision on this by about Friday, November 



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