Hi Christian,

I can help on this ;)

The Apache Karaf website is a pure static html pages but we could use a
generator like Hugo and writing content in markdown.

FYI I'm working on the new Apache Camel website and we are using Hugo.

Let me know :)



Le 29/05/2019 à 09:53, Christian Schneider a écrit :
> The Aries website currently looks quite broken. I guess the css is not
> loading or something. Of course we should fix this but it will only
> marginally improve :-)
> I wonder if we should move to some static generator like github pages or
> the way e.g. Apache Karaf builds their site.
> So first question is if we should move to such a model?
> If we decide so .. does anyone have experience building such sites and is
> willing to help?
> I guess once we have the basic structure then editing content is easy but
> for the first step some good experience is needed.
> Christian

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