I started a discussion explaining the issue here:


On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 5:50 PM, Wes McKinney <wesmck...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for weighing in on this, Hadley.
> To your point
>> You can distribute the package code according to its
>> license, but whenever you bundle it with R (i.e. to actually use it)
>> the GPL will apply to the whole conglomerate.
> If someone wanted to create an all-GPLv2 software distribution
> containing R and a bunch of libraries, then including the R Arrow
> library would be problematic as Apache 2.0 is not compatible
> (https://www.apache.org/licenses/GPL-compatibility.html). I don't
> think this is really a problem since R users generally just install
> things from CRAN.
> My understanding is that ASF legal has taken issue when an Apache
> project _cannot be used at all_ without a hard GPL dependency (outside
> certain exceptions, e.g. generated build files by GPL tools). This
> makes it impossible to create a self-contained software distribution
> of the project whose code and all dependencies are Apache 2.0
> compatible. There was the recent BSD+Patents discussion on LEGAL where
> projects were disallowed from using projects under that license as a
> hard dependency.
> I will open a LEGAL issue on the JIRA to discuss, but since the R
> portion of Arrow is an _optional_ part of the project, I am hopeful
> this will be deemed OK.
> - Wes
> On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 5:39 PM, Hadley Wickham <h.wick...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 8:15 AM, Wes McKinney <wesmck...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I can open a ticket to get a definitive answer to these questions.
>>> From http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#platform and the
>>> subsequent questions there, I view the R language and build tools like
>>> Rcpp as part of the "R platform", which is, for the most part, all
>>> GPL. SparkR depends on R, but only has testthat (MIT) as a dependency
>>> beyond the R runtime. I think it is challenging to build high quality
>>> software for the R platform relying only on the main R runtime and the
>>> limited third party components which happens to be released under
>>> non-CategoryX licenses.
>> Some legal advice is probably needed, but do also see this statement
>> from the R Foundation about package licenses:
>> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2009-May/053248.html
>> In general, the R community has taken the opinion that it is ok to
>> license code that links to R with non-GPL (but GPL-compatible)
>> licenses. You can distribute the package code according to its
>> license, but whenever you bundle it with R (i.e. to actually use it)
>> the GPL will apply to the whole conglomerate.
>> So including an R arrow package would be fine according to the general
>> standards of the R community. The Apache legal counsel may of course
>> disagree.
>> Hadley
>> --
>> http://hadley.nz

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