Hi All,

Quick question.  I have merged two PR's in the last week (ARROW-2409 and 
ARROW-4791).  In both cases the assignee was left unassigned in JIRA.  I think 
this should be updated for metrics, etc.?

When I go back and try to update it manually I can't seem to find the users 
that contributed the PR's, I can find the usernames in JIRA but when updating 
the "assignee" field they don't appear.

For example, for ARROW-2409 Owen Wilson submitted the patch, his user name is 
"theomn" but when I enter this in the assignee field it says "User 'theomn' 
cannot be assigned issues."

In both cases I believe that the contributors are new contributors, is there a 
change in permissions on their accounts that is needed to allow me to assign 
the issues?


p.s. the other contributor was Yu Ding, username "dingelish"

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