I personally think this would be a nice switch.

The ease of searching alone is a worthwhile reason for this switch, which
also make the overall barrier to adoption a little bit lower.

I didn't think about decentralizing user issues before, so I think it's a
good thing
to mention. To some degree, though, the ease of searching should mitigate
if people are properly cross-referencing as appropriate. But, I'm not
entirely sure
what this would be problematic for.

Aldrin Montana
Computer Science PhD Student
UC Santa Cruz

On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 11:16 AM Micah Kornfield <emkornfi...@gmail.com>

> We discussed briefly on the sync this morning, but I was wondering what
> people thought about removing the user@ mailing list in favor of either
> Github issues or discussions.  We can try to mirror issues to an
> appropriate mailing list if archiving for posterity.
> Off the top of my head here are some pros/cons to approaches:
> Pros:
> - Github focuses on SEO which makes answers to one-off questions easier to
> find.
> -  Github issues seem to have roughly the same traffic as the user@
> mailing.  It would likely have more if we didn't steer people to user@.
> Cons:
> -  This decentralizes user issues across the Arrow repos.
> - This is NOT a proposal to use github issues in place of JIRA (for the
> languages that are currently using JIRA).
> - This is NOT a proposal to make any modification to the dev@ mailing list
> (I think centralization here is important).
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Micah

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