Hello everyone,

I was wondering if the Apache Arrow community would be interested in
featuring a two-part article series on their blog, discussing the
experiences and insights gained from an experimental version of the
OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP) utilizing Apache Arrow. As the main author of
the OTLP Arrow specification
the reference implementation otlp-arrow-adapter
<https://github.com/f5/otel-arrow-adapter>, and the two articles (see links
below), I believe that fostering collaboration between open-source projects
like these is essential and mutually beneficial.

These articles would serve as a fitting complement to the three
introductory articles that Andrew Lamb and Raphael Taylor-Davies
co-authored. They delve into the practical aspects of integrating Apache
Arrow into an existing project, as well as the process of converting a
hierarchical data model into its Arrow representation. The first article
examines various mapping techniques for aligning an existing data model
with the corresponding Arrow representation, while the second article
explores an adaptive schema technique that I implemented in the library's
final version in greater depth. Although the second article is still under
development, the core framework description is already in place.

What are your thoughts on this proposal?

Article 1:

Article 2 (WIP):

Best regards,

Laurent Quérel

Laurent Quérel

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