Like Andrew Lamb mentioned, blaze-rs has similar goals, I'd really be
interested to know some comparisons when the donations are made.
All in all, I look forward to the new native project for spark acceleration.

On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 9:50 PM Andrew Lamb <> wrote:

> I am very supportive of this donation. I know of at least one other
> DataFusion-based project, blaze-rs[1], which has the same design goal and
> bringing this project into the ASF may help consolidate these efforts
> As Andy said, I believe it was very valuable to have a major consumer
> project (e.g. DataFusion) to help drive the definition and implementation
> of arrow-rs implementation. We never achieved the same synergy with
> Ballista and DataFusion but I think it is more likely with a more actively
> maintained Spark accelerator.
> I am not sure it affects this discussion, but the Gluten project, based on
> Velox, was accepted yesterday[2] into the Apache Incubator[2].  While the
> functionality may be similar, the technology (Rust vs C/C++) and the
> communities are different so having both in the same (big) tent of the ASF
> doesn't seem concerning to me.
> Also, as Chao says, I think this new sub project would naturally move to a
> new DataFusion top level project when we get there (we plan a proposed
> resolution April ASF board meeting)
> Looking forward to seeing more!
> Andrew
> [1]:
> [2]:
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 5:10 PM Andy Grove <> wrote:
> > Hi Chao,
> >
> > This sounds like a really interesting project. I am interested in seeing
> > how it compares to Spark RAPIDS (the project that I work on at NVIDIA)
> and
> > Intel's Gluten project (that works with Velox).
> >
> > I can see the following benefits of having this project being under
> Apache
> > Arrow governance:
> >
> > - Assuming that this is a drop-in replacement that doesn't require users
> to
> > change their code (as I imagine is the case), then it could lead to
> greater
> > adoption of DataFusion, especially for more demanding use cases where
> > processing on a single node is not possible.
> > - Given that it has a deep integration with the Rust implementation of
> > Arrow as well as DataFusion, and given the overlap of committers between
> > these projects, having them under the same governance and communication
> > channels will generally be more efficient than if this project is
> separate.
> > - Hopefully this leads to more upstream contributions to DataFusion,
> > perhaps even allowing other projects such as Ballista to benefit from
> > Spark-compatible operators and expressions in the future.
> > - Having another project that uses DataFusion as a dependency could help
> > with stabilizing the public APIs and generally driving more innovation.
> >
> > Given these points, I would be supportive of a donation. I see it as
> being
> > similar to the Ballista project, which is already part of Arrow (and we
> > plan to move along with DataFusion once it becomes a top-level project).
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Andy.
> >
> > On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 2:28 PM Chao Sun <> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > We have been working on a native execution engine for Apache Spark
> > > that is heavily based on DataFusion and Arrow. Our goal is to
> > > accelerate Spark query execution via delegating Spark's physical plan
> > > execution to DataFusion's highly modular execution framework, while
> > > still maintaining the same semantics to Spark users (i.e., no Spark
> > > behavior change from the end users' point of view). Several of us are
> > > Spark and/or Arrow committers. At the moment, the project is under
> > > active development and not yet feature complete. However, some of the
> > > existing functionalities are relatively mature and have been put in
> > > production for a while now.
> > >
> > > Given the current momentum towards accelerating Spark through native
> > > vectorized execution, we believe open sourcing this work will benefit
> > > other Spark users too. In addition, we think the project itself can
> > > also leverage the vibrant and strong community behind Arrow and
> > > DataFusion, and grow faster. Because of this, we are exploring the
> > > possibility of contributing this project to the Apache Software
> > > Foundation (ASF) under the Apache Arrow project umbrella.
> > >
> > > We'd very much like to hear your opinion on this. Thanks.
> > >
> > > Best,
> > > Chao
> > >
> >

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