On 20/04/2017 16:38, Nixon Rodrigues wrote:

Thanks for the presentation.
Can you share the youtube video link of it

Hi Nixon,

The video of my presentation can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMCRuD4d9-U&index=57&list=PLQ-KRsI-e9bAjjx9fPHUTZKw28hS8KOn3

The charts (which you may have seen) are at https://www.slideshare.net/nigel0jones/unleashing-the-power-of-apache-atlas-with-apache-virtual-dataconnector

It's an exciting project, and Atlas is absolutely relevant for governance not just in Hadoop but beyond too. I'm also working with Ranger & plugins to enforce governance :-)

Any questions welcome - sorry for the slow reply.

-- Nigel.

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