Congrats and welcome !


On 08/11/2017 07:40 PM, Davor Bonaci wrote:
Please join me and the rest of Beam PMC in welcoming the following
contributors as our newest committers. They have significantly contributed
to the project in different ways, and we look forward to many more
contributions in the future.

* Reuven Lax
Reuven has been with the project since the very beginning, contributing
mostly to the core SDK and the GCP IO connectors. He accumulated 52 commits
(19,824 ++ / 12,039 --). Most recently, Reuven re-wrote several IO
connectors that significantly expanded their functionality. Additionally,
Reuven authored important new design documents relating to update and
snapshot functionality.

* Jingsong Lee
Jingsong has been contributing to Apache Beam since the beginning of the
year, particularly to the Flink runner. He has accumulated 34 commits
(11,214 ++ / 6,314 --) of deep, fundamental changes that significantly
improved the quality of the runner. Additionally, Jingsong has contributed
to the project in other ways too -- reviewing contributions, and
participating in discussions on the mailing list, design documents, and
JIRA issue tracker.

* Mingmin Xu
Mingmin started the SQL DSL effort, and has driven it to the point of
merging to the master branch. In this effort, he extended the project to
the significant new user community.

* Mingming (James) Xu
James joined the SQL DSL effort, contributing some of the trickier parts,
such as the Join functionality. Additionally, he's consistently shown
himself to be an insightful code reviewer, significantly impacting the
project’s code quality and ensuring the success of the new major component.

* Manu Zhang
Manu initiated and developed a runner for the Apache Gearpump (incubating)
engine, and has driven it to the point of merging to the master branch. In
this effort, he accumulated 65 commits (7,812 ++ / 4,882 --) and extended
the project to the new user community.

Congratulations to all five! Welcome!


Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend -

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