The maximum passing runtime was 70 mins in Gradle, so it seems reasonable
to set it to 90 mins.
For Maven, its about 130 mins so setting it to 150 mins is also reasonable.

It turns out that ~1/8 in builds were aborted due to taking too long in
both Maven / Java due to tests getting stuck.
Would be worthwhile to set a maximum runtime per test to prevent this.

Feel free to open a PR and send it my way.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 10:14 AM Udi Meiri <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been seeing increased wait times on Jenkins. It's frustrating to wait
> 8h <>
> for a build, or 4h
> <>
> for it just to schedule.
> Data point:
> These builds seem to be timing out after 4 hours. Can we reduce the
> timeout to just 1 hour?

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