(Forwarding to dev list from the PR on roadmap.)

Given that we now have a main roadmap Webpage with some content, we were
wondering if there should be a section on IO related efforts. We already
have following Webpage on current and upcoming IO transforms.

IO roadmap page can be an expanded version of above where we can include
following among other things.
(1) More details about some of the upcoming IO transforms that we expect to
be very popular.
(2) Major IO related efforts such as cross-platform IO and SDF (to
complement what will be available in portability roadmap on these features).
(3) Other IO related efforts (for example, documentation, performance

I think we have three options.

(1) Add a top level IO roadmap.
(2) Add IO roadmap sub-sections under each SDK instead of at top level.
(3) We don't need a IO roadmap since we already have



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chamikara Jayalath <notificati...@github.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [apache/beam] [Website] Add roadmap at top level (#6718)
To: apache/beam <b...@noreply.github.com>
Cc: Chamikara Jayalath <chamik...@google.com>, Your activity <

Ok. Makes sense. Kenn and others, WDYT ? We can start writing down a
roadmap for IO if there's no objection. It can include more details about
some of the proposed IO mentioned in
https://beam.apache.org/documentation/io/built-in/ as well as information
on upcoming major IO related efforts such as cross-language IO support and
SDF (in addition to what will be available in portability roadmap for these

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