
On 27.05.19 14:04, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
Sounds like everyone's onboard with the plan. Any chance we could
publish these for the upcoming 2.13 release?

On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 6:29 PM Łukasz Gajowy <lgaj...@apache.org> wrote:

+1 to have a registry for images accessible to anyone. For snapshot images, I 
agree that gcr + apache-beam-testing project seems a good and easy way to start 


wt., 22 sty 2019 o 19:43 Mark Liu <mark...@google.com> napisał(a):

+1 to have an official Beam released container image.

Also I would propose to add a verification step to (or after) the release 
process to do smoke check. Python have ValidatesContainer test that runs basic 
pipeline using newly built container for verification. Other sdk languages can 
do similar thing or add a common framework.


On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 5:56 AM Alan Myrvold <amyrv...@google.com> wrote:

+1 This would be great. gcr.io seems like a good option for snapshots due to 
the permissions from jenkins to upload and ability to keep snapshots around.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 6:51 PM Ruoyun Huang <ruo...@google.com> wrote:

+1 This would be a great thing to have.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 6:11 PM Ankur Goenka <goe...@google.com> wrote:

grc.io seems to be a good option. Given that we don't need the hosting server 
name in the image name makes it easily changeable later.

Docker container for Apache Flink is named "flink" and they have different tags for 
different releases and configurations https://hub.docker.com/_/flink .We can follow a similar model 
and can name the image as "beam" (beam doesn't seem to be taken on docker hub) and use 
tags to distinguish Java/Python/Go and versions etc.

Tags will look like:

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 5:56 PM Ahmet Altay <al...@google.com> wrote:

For snapshots, we could use gcr.io. Permission would not be a problem since 
Jenkins is already correctly setup. The cost will be covered under 
apache-beam-testing project. And since this is only for snapshots, it will be 
only for temporary artifacts not for release artifacts.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 5:50 PM Valentyn Tymofieiev <valen...@google.com> wrote:

+1, releasing containers is a useful process that we need to build in Beam and 
it is required for FnApi users. Among other reasons, having officially-released 
Beam SDK harness container images will make it easier for users to do simple 
customizations to  container images, as they will be able to use container 
image released by Beam as a base image.

Good point about potential storage limitations on Bintray. With Beam Release 
cadence we may quickly exceed the 10 GB quota. It may also affect our decisions 
as to which images we want to release, for example: do we want to only release 
one container image with Python 3 interpreter, or do we want to release a 
container image for each Python 3 minor version that Beam is compatible with.

Probably worth a separate discussion. I would favor first releasing a python 3 
compatible version before figuring out how we would target multiple python 3 

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 5:48 PM Ankur Goenka <goe...@google.com> wrote:

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 5:37 PM Ahmet Altay <al...@google.com> wrote:

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 5:28 PM Ankur Goenka <goe...@google.com> wrote:

- Could we start from snapshots first and then do it for releases?
+1, releasing snapsots first makes sense to me.
- For snapshots, do we need to clean old containers after a while? Otherwise I 
guess we will accumulate lots of containers.
For snap shots we can maintain a single snapshot image from git HEAD daily. 
Docker has the internal image container id which changes everytime an image is 
changed and pulls new images as needed.

There is a potential use this may not work with. If a user picks up a snaphsot 
build and want to use it until the next release arrives. I guess in that case 
the user can copy the snapshotted container image and rely on that.

Yes, that should be reasonable.

- Do we also need additional code changes for snapshots and releases to default 
to these specific containers? There could be a version based mechanism to 
resolve the correct container to use.
The current image defaults have username in it. We should be ok by just 
updating the default image url to published image url.

We should also check for pricing and details about Apache-Bintray agreement 
before pushing images and changing defaults.

There is information on bintray's pricing page about open source projects [1]. 
I do not know if there is a special apache-bintray agreement or not. If there 
is no special agreement there is a 10GB storage limit for using bintray.

As each image can easily run into Gigs, 10GB might not be sufficient for future 
We can also register docker image to docker image registry and not have bintray 
in the name to later host images on a different vendor for future proofing.

[1] https://bintray.com/account/pricing?tab=account&type=pricing

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 5:11 PM Ahmet Altay <al...@google.com> wrote:

This sounds like a good idea. Some questions:

- Could we start from snapshots first and then do it for releases?
- For snapshots, do we need to clean old containers after a while? Otherwise I 
guess we will accumulate lots of containers.
- Do we also need additional code changes for snapshots and releases to default 
to these specific containers? There could be a version based mechanism to 
resolve the correct container to use.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 4:42 PM Ankur Goenka <goe...@google.com> wrote:

Hi All,

As portability/FnApi is taking shape and are compatible with ULR and Flink. I 
wanted to discuss the release plan release of SDKHarness Docker images. 
Of-course users can create their own images but it will be useful to have a 
default image available out of box.
Pre build image are a must for making FnApi available for users and not just 
the developers.
The other purpose of these images is to be server as base image layer for 
building custom images.

Apache already have bintray repositories for beam.

Shall we start pushing Python/Java/Go SDK Harness containers to 
https://bintray.com/apache/beam-docker for beam release and maintain daily 
snapshot at https://bintray.com/apache/beam-snapshots-docker ?


Ruoyun  Huang

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