Dear Beam community,

A few weeks ago, we announced the dates for the Beam Digital Summit and we
know the community received this news with excitement. This is a great
opportunity to create and share content about streaming analytics and the
solutions that teams around the world have created using Apache Beam and
its ecosystem.

We have chosen August 24-28th as the new dates. While this has been a
difficult decision, we think it’s the right decision to ensure we produce
the best possible event. We encourage you to send your talk proposals,
anything from use cases, lightning talks, or workshop ideas.

Based on this change, the CFP will remain open until June 15th. We would
love to hear about what you are doing with Beam, how to improve it, and how
to strengthen our community.

We thank you for your understanding! See you soon!

-Griselda Cuevas, Brittany Hermann, Maximilian Michels, Austin Bennett,
Matthias Baetens, Alex Van Boxel

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