I have no problem accessing Katas when I'm in IntelliJ IDEA, or in
PyCharm.  But, I would expect - with edutools plugin - expect to be able to
use the Katas from GoLand.  Currently not able to do that.  Has anyone had
successes accessing Go Katas from GoLand?  Perhaps I am doing something

On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 9:03 PM Austin Bennett <whatwouldausti...@gmail.com>

> Cool; thanks Henry!
> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 7:49 PM Henry Suryawirawan <
> hsuryawira...@google.com> wrote:
>> Hi Austin,
>> The remote-info yaml files would get updated upon updating the course on
>> Stepik, not entirely recreated as if from scratch.
>> The important IDs metadata that track the course ID, section ID, lesson
>> ID, and task ID are preserved.
>> Having these files in the repo allows multiple people to be able to
>> update the same courses on Stepik without resulting in new courses
>> everytime it gets updated.
>> As an illustration, let's take the Go Katas.
>> The course-remote-info.yaml tracks the course ID as `id: 70387`.
>> This corresponds to the equivalent Stepik course page:
>> https://stepik.org/course/70387/promo
>> This course ID has also been endorsed by JetBrains to feature visibly on
>> the course list.
>> If we don't keep track of the IDs, we'll always recreate the course with
>> new IDs every time it gets uploaded.
>> I hope this helps to clarify the needs for the remote-info files to be in
>> the repo.
>> I've explored a way to automatically update the course that can be
>> triggered by the CI.
>> What I found is that at the moment it is better to update the course from
>> the IDE menu, otherwise we would have to find out what actually happens
>> behind the menu and reverse engineer the steps.
>> It may be possible to do, but I am also concerned if JetBrains updates
>> the plugin and changes the way it handles the course upload, and that we
>> have to keep up with the changes at the same time.
>> On the stats, we have some statistics that are publicly available and
>> privately available for the course instructors.
>> The promo page shows the publicly available stat of the number of
>> learners who have tried the course, any star and review, e.g. for Java
>> Katas (https://stepik.org/course/54530/promo).
>> The private stats include number of learners per day, task pass rate, the
>> learners, etc.
>> Henry Suryawirawan
>> Strategic Cloud Engineer
>> hsuryawira...@google.com
>> On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 9:27 AM Austin Bennett <
>> whatwouldausti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Henry,
>>> Cool.  Most makes sense.
>>> What I am missing is the need for the '*-remote-info.yaml' in the beam
>>> repo (I do get what purpose it serves for Stepik).  There is probably a
>>> good reason.
>>> To get nitpicky (am genuinely curious) --> It seems that this sort of
>>> metadata would get (re-)created upon (re-)uploading a course.  What does
>>> persisting it to the repo get us?  This is also in line with nascent
>>> thoughts of auto-deploying katas to stepik on accepted merge into
>>> learning/katas/ -- rather than this being done manually.    Perhaps this is
>>> just due to my lack of having spent much time with Stepik.
>>> Also, do we have download statistics from Stepik for the Katas?  What
>>> other bits of information can we gather from Stepik (as you share, if
>>> Stepik is using *-remote-info.yaml for tracking, what information are we
>>> able to gather from there)?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Austin
>>> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 1:10 AM Henry Suryawirawan <
>>> hsuryawira...@google.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Austin,
>>>> Thanks for your help in adding a new lesson.
>>>> I will have a look and help to review the pull request.
>>>> On your questions:
>>>> 1. Apart from the *-remote-info.yaml, the other yaml files should
>>>> contain Apache license header. We explicitly turn off license header check
>>>> for the remote-info files as can be referred in the build.gradle
>>>> <https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/build.gradle>. The reason
>>>> is because the remote-info files are auto generated, and they will always
>>>> get replaced whenever we update the course on Stepik.
>>>> All the YAML files are important and have to be included as part of the
>>>> repository. The {task, lesson,section}-info.yaml files are metadata
>>>> files used by the JetBrains EduTools plugin for Educational projects. The
>>>> *-remote-info.yaml files contain metadata information (e.g. the IDs)
>>>> important for Stepik to track our courses.
>>>> 2. We do not leave out the beam.Create. Apart from the Introduction
>>>> lesson, you can find it in the cmd/main.go file. We explicitly create the
>>>> main.go file in order for the learner to be able to also run the pipeline
>>>> independently and observe the output, just like when they write the
>>>> pipeline normally.
>>>> Hope my answers help to clarify.
>>>> Henry Suryawirawan
>>>> Strategic Cloud Engineer
>>>> hsuryawira...@google.com
>>>> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 7:13 AM Austin Bennett <
>>>> whatwouldausti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> @Rion, @Henry Suryawirawan <hsuryawira...@google.com>, @Damon,  I
>>>>> added a Flatten Kata for Go.  Please have a look:
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/11806  -- tagged all of you as
>>>>> other authors of Katas.
>>>>> A few questions:
>>>>> 1)  Across all the katas, we have files '{task,
>>>>> lesson,section}-remote-info.yaml'.  These files do not contain the apache
>>>>> license, and I imagine they are generated by Steptik/other (also, to get
>>>>> working locally those files were not needed).  Should these files be
>>>>> ignored (via .gitignore) and kept out of the Beam repository?  Wondering
>>>>> why we would want those in the repo, and if yes, should they have the
>>>>> Apache License on them?
>>>>> 2) On Go Katas generally.  I wrote this one following convention of
>>>>> other Go Katas found in the repository.  For the Java and Python versions,
>>>>> the code that people work with includes seeing the Beam.Create.  This is
>>>>> left out of the GoLang katas, and kept behind the scenes.  Is there
>>>>> reasoning for breaking from the convention of the other Katas?
>>>>> https://godoc.org/github.com/apache/beam/sdks/go/pkg/beam#Create
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Austin
>>>>> On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 8:00 PM Rion Williams <rionmons...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Henry,
>>>>>> I submitted a pull request related to the Beam Katas that can be
>>>>>> found here (https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/11761) and included
>>>>>> you as a reviewer. I updated all of the related metadata, generated the
>>>>>> course, and tested through it to ensure it worked as expected (and the
>>>>>> placeholders all worked as expected as well).
>>>>>> The generated course can be found here on Stepik (
>>>>>> https://stepik.org/course/72488
>>>>>> <https://stepik.org/course/72488/promo>) and I’ve reached out to a
>>>>>> few folks to put it through its paces in the wild.
>>>>>> Let me know if there’s anything else I can do or changes that need to
>>>>>> be made in the PR or elsewhere.
>>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>>> Rion
>>>>>> On May 20, 2020, at 2:12 AM, Henry Suryawirawan <
>>>>>> hsuryawira...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Yeah there was a recent pull request merged for the md file format
>>>>>> change.
>>>>>> I checked your repo and it still contains the task.html, so need your
>>>>>> help to merge with the latest master.
>>>>>> For the answer placeholder, you may refer to this doc
>>>>>> <https://www.jetbrains.com/help/education/educator-start-guide.html> 
>>>>>> first
>>>>>> to understand how it works.
>>>>>> It will auto update the placeholder position in the task-info.yaml.
>>>>>> If you encounter any issue, just let me know.
>>>>>> Thanks Rion.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Henry
>>>>>> On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 12:43 PM Rion Williams <rionmons...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Henry,
>>>>>>> Thanks for the quick response, I appreciate it. I believe that I
>>>>>>> pulled the latest from master a day or so ago, so I’ll make sure to pull
>>>>>>> the most recent changes in.
>>>>>>> As far as the placeholders, they aren’t currently present (as I
>>>>>>> don’t believe they were present in the Java ones within the 
>>>>>>> learning/katas
>>>>>>> directory), however I can easily add those in to align with the content 
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> the existing course. I wasn’t entirely sure based on the existing
>>>>>>> directories if the files should contain the placeholders or the actual
>>>>>>> implementations, either way, it’s a pretty trivial series of changes.
>>>>>>> I’ll try to put these together tomorrow and push up a PR. I’ll make
>>>>>>> sure to include you as a reviewer.
>>>>>>> Thanks for the initial feedback,
>>>>>>> Rion
>>>>>>> On May 19, 2020, at 11:15 PM, Henry Suryawirawan <
>>>>>>> hsuryawira...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Rion for adding the Kotlin version.
>>>>>>> This is great to show other people that Beam can be done in Kotlin
>>>>>>> too!
>>>>>>> I can help to review your work.
>>>>>>> Please help to incorporate the Java Katas latest changes from master
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> There are recent changes to the task description file format from
>>>>>>> html to md.
>>>>>>> Please also help to remove all the *-remote-info.yaml files.
>>>>>>> I assume that you've adjusted the answer placeholders in all tasks
>>>>>>> as well.
>>>>>>> Afterwards, you can create a pull request and assign me as reviewer.
>>>>>>> Please reach out to me if you have any questions.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Henry
>>>>>>> On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 3:33 AM Rion Williams <rionmons...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sure! I ran through all of the tests locally on my branch (as
>>>>>>>> tests) and then performed a check against all of the known tasks (via
>>>>>>>> Course Creator > Check All Tasks) and 35/36 tasks passed successfully 
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> the only one that didn't being a Built-in IO one that doesn't currently
>>>>>>>> have any implementation. Although, I'd love for someone else to try the
>>>>>>>> same thing since as far as I can tell it "works on my machine".
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> Rion
>>>>>>>> On 2020/05/19 19:12:57, Pablo Estrada <pabl...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > This is really cool Rion!
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I believe it's possible to start trying out the katas from your
>>>>>>>> branch? If
>>>>>>>> > so, I can give them a try, and use that as a review...
>>>>>>>> > Henry, any other ideas?
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 12:04 PM Rion Williams <
>>>>>>>> rionmons...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > > Hi all,
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > I was recently added as a contributor and created a JIRA ticket
>>>>>>>> related to
>>>>>>>> > > the existing Katas (
>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-10027),
>>>>>>>> > > specifically creating one that targets Kotlin specific as there
>>>>>>>> are quite a
>>>>>>>> > > few existing examples out there for Kotlin, so I thought a Kata
>>>>>>>> course that
>>>>>>>> > > would parallel the existing Java, Go, and Python ones.
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > I basically ported over the existing Java Katas, added the
>>>>>>>> appropriate
>>>>>>>> > > dependencies, and converted all of the Java files over to
>>>>>>>> Kotlin, and
>>>>>>>> > > ensured that all of the tests pass as expected. I'd love
>>>>>>>> outside of this to
>>>>>>>> > > see if we can shift it to a Stepik course as well if that seems
>>>>>>>> reasonable
>>>>>>>> > > similar to those mentioned in this thread.
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > My current branch awaiting a PR can be found here (
>>>>>>>> > > https://github.com/rionmonster/beam/tree/BEAM-10027), however
>>>>>>>> I'm unsure
>>>>>>>> > > who would be the best to review such a PR and what other steps
>>>>>>>> might need
>>>>>>>> > > to be taken before trying to get it merged in.
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > Any feedback would be welcome!
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > Thanks,
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > Rion
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > On 2020/05/14 23:40:45, Rion Williams <rionmons...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > > > +1 on the contributions front. My team and I have been
>>>>>>>> working with Beam
>>>>>>>> > > primarily with Kotlin and I recently added the appropriate
>>>>>>>> dependencies to
>>>>>>>> > > Gradle and performed a bit of conversions and have it working
>>>>>>>> as expected
>>>>>>>> > > against the existing Java course.
>>>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>>>> > > > I don’t know how many others are actively working with Kotlin
>>>>>>>> and Beam,
>>>>>>>> > > but I’d love to work on transitioning that into a proper course
>>>>>>>> (assuming
>>>>>>>> > > there’s interest in it).
>>>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>>>> > > > > On May 14, 2020, at 10:32 AM, Nathan Fisher <
>>>>>>>> nfis...@junctionbox.ca>
>>>>>>>> > > wrote:
>>>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>>>> > > > > 
>>>>>>>> > > > > Yes write IO
>>>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>>>> > > > >> On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 05:41, Henry Suryawirawan <
>>>>>>>> > > hsuryawira...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > > > >> Yeah certainly we can expand it further.
>>>>>>>> > > > >> There are more lessons that definitely can be added
>>>>>>>> further.
>>>>>>>> > > > >>
>>>>>>>> > > > >> >Eg more the write side windowing interactions?
>>>>>>>> > > > >> Are you referring to Write IOs?
>>>>>>>> > > > >>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>> On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 11:56 PM Nathan Fisher <
>>>>>>>> > > nfis...@junctionbox.ca> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > > > >>> I went through them earlier this week! Definitely helpful.
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>> Is it possible to expand the katas available in the lO
>>>>>>>> section? Eg
>>>>>>>> > > more the write side windowing interactions?
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>> On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 11:36, Luke Cwik <
>>>>>>>> lc...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>> These are an excellent learning tool.
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>> On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 11:02 PM Pablo Estrada <
>>>>>>>> pabl...@google.com>
>>>>>>>> > > wrote:
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>> Sharing Damon's email with the user@ list as well.
>>>>>>>> Thanks Damon!
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>> On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 9:02 PM Damon Douglas <
>>>>>>>> > > douglas.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>> Hello Everyone,
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>> If you don't already know, there are helpful
>>>>>>>> instructional tools
>>>>>>>> > > for learning the Apache Beam SDKs called Beam Katas hosted on
>>>>>>>> > > https://stepik.org.  Similar to traditional Kata, they are
>>>>>>>> meant to be
>>>>>>>> > > repeated as practice.  Before practicing the katas myself, I
>>>>>>>> found myself
>>>>>>>> > > copy/pasting code (Please accept my confession 😎 ).  Now I
>>>>>>>> find myself
>>>>>>>> > > actually composing pipelines.  Just like kata forms, you find
>>>>>>>> them becoming
>>>>>>>> > > part of you.  If you are interested, below are listed the
>>>>>>>> current available
>>>>>>>> > > katas:
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>> 1.  Java - https://stepik.org/course/54530
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>> 2.  Python -  https://stepik.org/course/54532
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>> 3.  Go (in development) -
>>>>>>>> https://stepik.org/course/70387
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>> If you are absolutely brand new to Beam and it scares
>>>>>>>> you like it
>>>>>>>> > > scared me, come talk to me.
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>>>> Damon
>>>>>>>> > > > >>> --
>>>>>>>> > > > >>> Nathan Fisher
>>>>>>>> > > > >>>  w: http://junctionbox.ca/
>>>>>>>> > > > > --
>>>>>>>> > > > > Nathan Fisher
>>>>>>>> > > > >  w: http://junctionbox.ca/
>>>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> >

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