You know, I do forget that committers can manually trigger Jenkins runs.

And after fiddling with the Jenkins options and filling in the expected,
but missing PR number parameter i think I've managed it.

Thanks for the reminder!

On Mon, Jun 13, 2022, 3:38 PM Kiley Sok <> wrote:

> Can you run the post commits from the Jenkins UI to unblock? We've turned
> off the triggers for all post commits, but could turn it on for a select
> few as well.
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 3:31 PM Robert Burke <> wrote:
>> There are a couple of Go SDK PRs that are basically blocked on final
>> manual runs of the post commits, that we'd like to get in for the 2.40 cut.
>> Are we intending on delaying the 2.40 cut a little bit so PRs like those
>> can make it in?
>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2022, 1:32 PM Ahmet Altay <> wrote:
>>> Thank you all for working on this.
>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 10:09 AM Kenneth Knowles <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, the ghprb plugin was disabled. That was the entire action. I
>>>> believe my PR will reduce the load caused by the ghprb plugin; we are
>>>> currently restarting Jenkins to re-enable it. So we can unfreeze master as
>>>> soon as Jenkins reboots. Basically, if your PR has a precommit status
>>>> great, otherwise please wait.
>>>> What we lose from my change is postcommit comment triggers. I see how
>>>> this is unfortunate for our established release process that runs them all
>>>> on the release branch.
>>>> Going forward, we are using old/unmaintained plugins and need to stop
>>>> relying on them. There are two obvious choices:
>>>> (1) use some "latest and greatest" Jenkins plugin - most likely the
>>>> multibranch pipeline plugin (aka Jenkinsfile plugin)
>>>> (2) use GitHub Actions
>>>> I believe both of these will be comparable in migration effort. I'm in
>>>> favor of expanding our GitHub Actions usage to take over what we do with
>>>> Jenkins. We have figured out how to have self-hosted workers, just like we
>>>> do for Jenkins. I don't know what other pitfalls may exist.
>>>> A good first step would be to bring the GitHub Actions precommits to
>>>> parity with the Jenkins precommits.
>>> +1. After spending some time, these two plugins are not very compatible
>>> and migration to the new plugin would itself be a sufficiently large
>>> migration. We are using GH actions to an extent today and in general they
>>> were working fine.
>>>> Kenn
>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 9:44 AM Brian Hulette <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Can someone familiar with this clarify the current status? It looks
>>>>> like PostCommits and PreCommit_Cron jobs are still running on a schedule,
>>>>> e.g. [1,2]. Was the ghprb plugin (responsible from triggering jobs based 
>>>>> on
>>>>> new PRs and comments) just disabled?
>>>>> If that's the case then we have a full suite of PostCommits, but the
>>>>> only precommit checks we have are GitHub Actions checks. These are pretty
>>>>> thorough, but off the top of my head a decent amount is missing:
>>>>> - No PyLint, PyDoc precommits
>>>>> - We can't trigger PostCommits before merge
>>>>> - Java build doesn't have null checker? (I know Jenkins java PreCommit
>>>>> turns on null checker, I'm not sure about GitHub actions)
>>>>> It would be painful to untangle the inevitable PostCommit breakages if
>>>>> we keep submitting code, so I do think a code freeze is in order, but it's
>>>>> a very inopportune time given the release cut is this week...
>>>>> Brian
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> On Sun, Jun 12, 2022 at 9:04 PM Chamikara Jayalath <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Should we install a code commit freeze till this is addressed to
>>>>>> maintain code health ? I noticed that it's easy to miss certain 
>>>>>> untriggered
>>>>>> test suites for new PRs.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Cham
>>>>>> On Sun, Jun 12, 2022 at 5:25 PM Danny McCormick <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> In case anyone else is planning on taking a look at this, I did a
>>>>>>> deep dive on it and wrote up my findings here -
>>>>>>> My high level takeaways were:
>>>>>>> 1. I don't think this is actually caused by Issues, I think it's a
>>>>>>> structural issue with the plugin. At worst, Issues very minorly 
>>>>>>> contributed
>>>>>>> to it (with a smaller impact than adding an extra build trigger 
>>>>>>> would/did),
>>>>>>> but I'm not even sure that is true. As a result, our fix probably needs 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> focus on patching or switching to a new plugin. 2. Patching the
>>>>>>> plugin would be hard.
>>>>>>> 3. I agree that switching to a different plugin is the best path
>>>>>>> forward.
>>>>>>> If anyone else is looking into this and wants edit permissions on
>>>>>>> the doc, let me know!
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Danny
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 5:21 PM Kiley Sok <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> There's currently an issue with too many connections from Jenkins
>>>>>>>> to Github bringing down Jenkins. The hypothesis is that we were already
>>>>>>>> close to the limit, but the extra triggers from GH issues pushed it 
>>>>>>>> over
>>>>>>>> the edge.
>>>>>>>> We're looking to switch to a different plugin that'll hopefully
>>>>>>>> resolve the issue.
>>>>>>>> More info: and
>>>>>>>> in INFRA slack channel.
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your patience!

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