On Mar 20, 2007, at 4:39 PM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:

It seems we're (finally!) about wrapped up with the ODF metadata work on which we'll base the new citation support. To make a long story short, we've realized that likely the easiest way to proceed with the details of formatting is that Writer has an API which knows how to track citations, but then requests certain pre- formatted strings as needed.

David had outlined his ideas on this earlier here:

<http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/ Bibliographic_API_Enhancements#constants_group_BibliographyDataField>

I'm wondering about a simpler approach still. I am thinking of properties like just citation, shortCitation and bibliographicEntry. In that scheme, if we have a citation like (Doe, 1999, 2000; see also Smith, 1993):

        - ref 1 and 3 are the default citation string
        - ref 2 is the short form
- ref 3 would also be a "see also" type, and so grouped and prefixed in standard ways that could be overridden

So the RDF in package would look like:

<b:Book rdf:about="urn:isbn:34982376">
  <b:citation>Doe, 1999</b:citation>

Any thoughts? Could things be as simple as I am thinking?

Probably not ;)

I'm confused. How is that generated? Would that be the details written into the document by the user? Is this equivalent to \citet {key1,key2} and \citet[see also][]{key3}.

Seems to me that when and how a 'short citation' is created depends on the style being used; so it shouldn't be encoded in the unformatted document ...

Are there plans for styles to 'populate' the types of in-text citations that they allow, and for those types of in-text citations to show up in the interface? ie in Latex if I use \usepackage {natbib} then citet and citep and citeauthor etc are (re)defined (and interact with the style file to produce the actual in text work). AFAIK, citeproc style files don't allow that, which means that the citations commands the user inserts have to globally defined, which seems hard to do without having all styles already defined.

Maybe my mind is too latexed ;)


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