On 1/20/16, Ryan J Ollos <rjol...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 1:08 PM, Gary <gary.mar...@physics.org> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,

Hi !

>> For Kunaal's request to be viable we need to start getting some momentum
>> back into development. In addition, although I expect to be able to take
>> on all the responsibility for mentoring a student, I believe that we
>> would require a second mentor who is also on the PMC. As that suggests
>> such a person is required to ensure that a GSoC student is looked after
>> if the main mentor becomes unexpectedly unavailable. Of course, if the
>> second mentor wanted to be equally involved, that would be even better.
>> So, if anyone is interested in helping out as a mentor, or has time to
>> make some progress with development, please let us know.

Unfortunately I am neither member of the PMC nor eligible as a GSoC
mentor , sorry .

AFAICR , once upon a time a subset of ticket was selected by the PMC
as possible GSoC project ideas . Have you checked the ML archive ?

> For the Bloodhound project, an important step is to move to Trac 1.0.9, and
> the soon-to-be-released Trac 1.2. If anyone can find time to work on those
> migrations, I can lend advice since I'm very familiar with the changes that
> have been made in Trac.

Even if I maintain a private branch of Bloodhound , I honestly have
not found time to do so ... but yes this is one of a few milestones .
Nevertheless these are far from being GSoC targets , so IMHO should be
discussed in a separate thread .



Olemis - @olemislc

Apacheā„¢ Bloodhound contributor

Brython committer

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