> I am not sure why this will screw up the caches. if a RC is approved as the
> final, then there is no sha change and it is final.
> Your local installation from a RC repo should be exactly same as the one
> available in the central. If a RC is not approved,
> then it means changes will come in next RC, if you already cache the
> previous RC locally, when a new RC is up, the gitsha
> is changed, maven will update your local cache.
Does maven check the gitsha when deciding whether to pull a version?
My understanding is that, if the version in the dependency is a
non-snapshot version, and it finds an artifact with that version, it
will just use that version.

Now, consider the case where one of our users wants to test a new
version of BK works well with the system they have built on top of it,
so they change the version in the file, add the temp repo to the
repos, commit and kick off their CI to run unit, integration, scale
tests etc. If their build system isn't purging the environment every
time, they will end up with a RC artifact as the final artifact for
that version, which is bad.

> The point is if you produce artifacts locally using a RC should be exactly
> same as it is final in public. Otherwise, there is no
> point for review. Because the process of converting a RC to final will
> never be reviewed.
Converting the RC to final will produce a new gitsha, yes. But are we
actually checking that the gitsha matches the version in maven and the
tarballs generated. I, at least, generally trust that the release
manager generated the artifacts from the tag they claimed.

> "an rc tag"? Do you mean a git tag name with "-rc" suffix? or do you mean
> the staging artifacts version with "-rc" suffix?
I mean an -rc suffix on the version.

> I have seen projects using "-rc" suffix for tag name. but I don't see
> projects using "-rc" suffix in the artifact version.
> Can you point me an ASF project that is doing in this way? If it works well
> in other projects, we can learn from them.
Maven itself.


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