Hi all,

Hopefully you've all caught the discussion on this subject by now (CALCITE-1717, and this thread[1]). A few of us are leaning towards physically separating the Avatica and Calcite codebases. We think that this will ultimately help each project grow at their own rate and give us more flexibility without stomping on each others' toes.

This is a (lazy-consensus) VOTE to perform this separation. For the actions that would be taken as a result of this, please see this list in CALCITE-1717.

Finally, let's please hold off on any commits to Avatica until we get this resolved. As Julian has pointed out, this gives us a nice separation (on the heels of Calcite-1.12.0).

Per ASF norms, this vote will be open for at least 72hrs (2017/03/29 1700GMT). Please let us know if there are any objections or input on this separation. Thanks!

- Josh

[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/b49639d926e64955cdca49aca1d2183f00812b54d2d5957499d39c9f@%3Cdev.calcite.apache.org%3E

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