I'd like to suggest developing a convenient way to compose WHERE constraints on 
base queries, via the JSON api.

Having a convenient way to inject rigorous application tenancy constraints 
would be huge boon for SaaS style applications. 

Calcite, with its JSON driver, could effectively enable any application to 
safely expose SQL-based queries, and remove the need for limited-capability 
domain specific languages. 

Calcite can already restrict queries to whitelisted operators, and the 
optimiser can deftly handle a bag of tenancy-related constraints.

It would be possible to extend further by clamping query COST, etc.

E.g. this capability has been productised by stripe, 


> On 25 Feb 2018, at 08:24, Michael Mior <mm...@uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> You have probably seen that Apache was accepted as an organization for this
> year's GSoC. I thought I would see if anyone in the Calcite community can
> think of any issues that would be a good fit. It's no guarantee we would
> get someone to work on it, but it could be a good push to move some
> isolated bits of functionality forward that may not get much attention
> otherwise.
> --
> Michael Mior
> mm...@apache.org

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