Hi all!

I got the infinite loop while using FilterIntoJoinRule +
JoinPushTransitivePredicatesRule in HEP planner for some correlated
queries, for instance:
*select d.deptno from sales.emp d where d.deptno IN (select e.deptno from
sales.emp e where e.deptno = d.deptno or e.deptno = 4)*

I have a reproduce in Calcite. We always get HepRelVertex for one side of
LogicalJoin relNode or LogicalFilter, therefore the rule is fired every
time and infinitely in result.

I've noticed that the rule works fine after JoinToCorrelateRule. But I
think this is not a decision for using JoinPushTransitivePredicatesRule,
even from the performance perspective.

How I can resolve it or maybe I missed something else?

Kind regards

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