
Just a note that the list doesn't support attachments. I'd suggest creating
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Michael Mior

Le mer. 30 mai 2018 à 04:23, James Duong <jdu...@dremio.com> a écrit :

> I've recorded my thoughts on this in the attached document
> A few notes:
> - TimestampAdd has very well-spec'd behavior as part of ODBC. For example
> the semantics for how to handle adding a second to a date value are clearly
> defined. I experimented with a few different databases for how this is
> handled with datetime_plus and didn't find it consistent.
> - Transforming a TimestampAdd expression to datetime_plus would require
> multiplying a 'unit' interval by the expression used for the interval
> parameter in TimestampAdd. This looks odd in generated SQL, and if you were
> go to back to timestampadd, the original intent wouldn't be clear.
> - There are a few units in timestampadd that are not directly supported by
> intervals (week, quarter, millennium, etc)
> So I wouldn't recommend datetime_plus. I'd recommend a new structure
> similar to timestampadd, but with features to transform to datetime_plus.
> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 6:52 PM, Julian Hyde <jh...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I think we should use the datetime_plus operator. It is standard, and
>> sufficiently general. Its second argument needs to be an interval
>> value, not necessarily an interval literal.
>> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 2:35 PM, James Duong <jdu...@dremio.com> wrote:
>> > There are essentially two ways to add an interval to a datetime vaue in
>> > Calcite
>> >
>> > Call the timestampadd() function:
>> > select {fn timestampadd(year, 1, hire_date)}...
>> >
>> > Use datetime_plus interval arithmetic:
>> > select hire_date + interval '1' year
>> >
>> >
>> > Note that timestampadd's second argument does not need to be a literal.
>> > Often it is a column expression. For datetime_plus literals are usually
>> > used.
>> >
>> > I propose we create a new SqlOperator that can canonicalize both of
>> these
>> > inputs into one node. This lets us apply any transformations on this
>> > canonical type regardless of what the original query was.
>> >
>> > It takes in the following arguments:
>> > 1. A date/time/timestamp input
>> > 2. an interval input as an integer
>> > 3. a time unit for the input
>> > 4. a synthetic argument indicating the source form of the function call
>> > (either datetime_plus or timestampadd).
>> >
>> >
>> > The idea is that this canonical form is easy to get into for both types,
>> > and provides methods to easily convert to either type. This would help
>> with
>> > unparsing in SqlDialects (you do not need to implement pushdown for both
>> > types of inputs).

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