Good idea. I think other outdated dependencies (if any) can also be updated in this change as well.

On 15/11/2019 3:04 pm, Julian Hyde wrote:
Can we also upgrade Jetty? I tried to upgrade Calcite [1] but it gets runtime 
errors because Avatica is on an earlier version.



On Nov 11, 2019, at 12:01 PM, Vladimir Sitnikov <> 

The list you provide is outdated.

these plugins weren't added to the Gradle build at
some point.

Please feel free to execute "./gradlew tasks" and check what is available

To my best knowledge, the build script is good enough.

The missing items are
* "Unused dependency"
* "Used but undeclared dependency"

That, however, is not significant for Avatica since the number of
dependencies is low.
"unused dependency" and "used but undeclared" plugin for Gradle does not
exist yet.
We need "java-library" support, and that is a missing feature (


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