Michael>The source code should be what unprocessed,
Michael>but since Windows

I do not get what you mean by "unprocessed".
Even Maven build had lots of exclude-include patterns, so it did "process"
the sources.

Then, the current source release contains LICENSE file that contains some
processing (because it needs to gather third-party licenses).

Michael>I would be
Michael>interested in exploring producing reproducible builds of

You must have missed that, but it is already implemented.
Feel free to try.

Note: one of the point of using `-Prelease` flag in the "RC-VOTE" mail is
to verify build reproducibility.
In other words, if people build from the same Git commit (or from source
release), they should end up with exactly the same SHAs provided they build
the same version (release vs snapshot) and they use similar javac (because
different javac versions might produce slightly different bytecode).


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