I went ahead and implemented the first two of these in main “latest” branches. 
Other than removing 324 unreferenced and inaccessible pages, I don’t see any 
changes (There’s one slight change to the single reference to one of the 
removed pages: (diff is new to old)

< <p>Also add any <a href="list.html" class="page">component starters</a> your 
Spring Boot application requires. For example this adds the <a 
 class="page">auto-configuration starter</a> for the <a 
href="../../components/3.11.x/activemq-component.html" class="page">ActiveMQ 
> <p>And any <a href="list.html" class="page">component starters</a> your 
> Spring Boot application requires. For example this adds the <a 
> href="activemq-starter.html" class="page">starter</a> for the <a 
> href="../../components/3.

(instead of linking to an otherwise inaccessible page, it links to the section 
where that content is included in the activemq component page.)

https://github.com/apache/camel-website/pull/641 (incomplete, pending merging 
other two or 8, see below)
<https://github.com/apache/camel-spring-boot/pull/374> (moves generated content 
to "partials" in a separate directory tree)
https://github.com/apache/camel/pull/6200 (changes includes of this content)

Since this removes a lot of pages, I’d like to apply this idea to all the 
active camel-spring-boot branches (latest, 3.12.x, 3.11.x, 3.7.x).

I was hoping to replace copying the AsciiDoc files with symlinks, but I’d 
forgotten how cantankerous Ant is and couldn’t find a way to use it’s symlink 
task, and I’m hesitant to bring node/gulp in to the project just to make some 

David Jencks

> On Oct 2, 2021, at 10:17 AM, David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I always forget that for Antora terms often have a specific meaning that 
> isn’t that common or obvious :-)
>> On Oct 2, 2021, at 12:45 AM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 11:30 PM David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> I looked at camel-spring-boot a little bit and have several questions and 
>>> suggestions… if there’s agreement I’ll open some issues and work on them.
>>> 1. The AsciiDoc pages are only included in the main component/dataformat/… 
>>> pages, and not accessible through navigation standalone.  I think they 
>>> should be partials, not standalone pages.
>> You can possible not do this as the ascii doc is generated with
>> information from spring boot itself, there are some camel spring boot
>> started components that have spring boot auto configuration,
>> that information are not in the camel-catalog, but are stored in
>> spring boot style (inside the JAR in META-INF there is a spring boot
>> json file).
> This just involves moving the target location of the generated pages to 
> modules/ROOT/partials from modules/ROOT/pages, and in main camel components 
> changing the include::….page$... to include::….partial$…
> This would not be a good idea if there was a firm plan to, at some point, 
> also have this information on standalone pages, or convert the current 
> include:: to a link to a standalone page.  Otherwise, it’s simple and 
> shouldn’t disrupt anything. The generated spring boot docs would still be in 
> the camel-spring-boot repo.
>>> 2. The individual generated pages are tied 1-1 with the ‘components’ 
>>> component.  I think, even though they are (at least currently) in a 
>>> different repo having them in the ‘components’ component as part of a 
>>> distributed component makes more sense than having them in a different 
>>> component.
>> Not sure what you mean?
> We’d need 2 directories in camel-spring-boot docs, say
> components/modules/spring-boot/partials  where all the individual generated 
> pages go, with a components/antora.yml specifying name: components and 
> version: <same as corresponding main camel components version, e.g. latest>
> and
> spring-boot/modules/ROOT/pages where the 3 or 4 other non-generated pages go 
> with the current antora.yml.
> I think this would make it more clear that the individual generated docs 
> actually are shown as part of the “components” component. It won’t affect 
> Antora in any noticeable way.
>>> 3. IIUC the individual pages are completely generated from data in a json 
>>> file.  I think this can be completely replaced with a partial and the 
>>> “jsonpath” stuff like we recently did for the ‘components' generated 
>>> content.
>>> (There seem to be a few that aren’t generated under core, but I haven’t 
>>> found if or where they show up in the website. Perhaps some or all could be 
>>> removed?)
>> As first response, its from spring boot json data file.
> Thanks!
>>> 4. Are there any components/dataformats/… that don’t participate in spring 
>>> boot? If not, what is the purpose of the table listing all the spring 
>>> boots, which points to the components pages?
>>> https://camel.apache.org/camel-spring-boot/latest/list.html
>>> If this page serves a useful purpose perhaps the table can be generated 
>>> using indexTable as in the ‘components’ component.
>> The point is to list all the supported spring boot starters. When you
>> use Camel with Spring Boot then use only these JARs.
>> That is the "stuff" that works on Spring Boot.
>> We have similar for Karaf (whats in the features.xml file), and for
>> Quarkus with the camel quarkus extensions.
> That makes sense!
>>> 5. These pages:
>>> https://camel.apache.org/camel-spring-boot/latest/index.html 
>>> <https://camel.apache.org/camel-spring-boot/latest/index.html>
>>> https://camel.apache.org/camel-spring-boot/latest/spring-boot.html 
>>> <https://camel.apache.org/camel-spring-boot/latest/spring-boot.html>
>>> seem to have a lot of overlapping content.  I’m completely bewildered by 
>>> the apparent duplication and don’t understand what the different choices on 
>>> each page do or how they differ. I think it would be great if someone would 
>>> make these docs clearer.
>> Yes there is a JIRA ticket to overhaul and cleanup the docs. I am
>> slowing working my way through that.
> A never ending task :-) at least it seems that way to me sometimes…
> Many thanks!
>>> Maybe that’s enough for now…
>>> David Jencks
>> -- 
>> Claus Ibsen
>> -----------------
>> http://davsclaus.com <http://davsclaus.com/> @davsclaus
>> Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2 
>> <https://www.manning.com/ibsen2>

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