so will cql get its own tree from which releases well be cut, or will it get
released always at the same time?

- Stephen

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On 26 Apr 2011 22:19, "Eric Evans" <> wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 13:31 +0100, Stephen Connolly wrote:
>> From what I can see, the intent is to always release lock-step in sync
>> with cassandra, in which case the version number should be the
>> cassandra version number...
>> unless you are implying that this is "CQL version 1.0.0" and there may
>> be a future time when you could have "CQL version 2.0.0" with a
>> different incompatible syntax...
> CQL client versioning does *not* move in lock-step with either Cassandra
> or the CQL specification (though if you adhere to for both
> the spec and the library then *major* versions will effectively move in
> lock-step).
> --
> Eric Evans

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