The cassandra-3.9 branch HEAD, commit bb371ea, looks good to release
(which will also be released as 3.8, changing just the version number).
I'm re-running a couple jobs right now, but overall, I think we hit the
goal of a clean board:

If there are no objections, I'd like to roll up 3.9/3.8 and get them out
the door. Should this be on one vote, since they are really the same, or
do 2 votes? I'm actually not entirely sure how the build for 3.8 will
work, since the branch was deleted. Should I create new branch again for
3.8 with the version edit? This sounds the most reasonable and workable
with the release build process. This actually does sound like it should
be 2 votes, since the commit sha will be different.. Thanks!

Kind regards,

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