
I would like to get as many of these as is feasible in. Before the feature 
freeze started 1 out of 17 JIRAs that were patch available were reviewed and 

If you didn’t have access reviewers and committers, as the one out of the 17 
did, it has been essentially impossible to get your problems with Cassandra 
fixed in 4.0.

This is basically the same as saying that despite the fact Cassandra is open 
source it does you no good because it will be years before the issues impacting 
you get fixed even if you contribute the fixes yourself.

Pulling up the ladder after getting “your own” fixes in is a sure fire way to 
fracture the community into a collection of private forks containing the fixes 
people can’t live without, and pushing people to look at alternatives.

Private forks are a serious threat to the project. The people on them are at 
risk of getting left behind and Cassandra stagnates for them and becomes 
uncompetitive. Those with the resources to maintain a seriously diverged fork 
are also the ones better positioned to be active contributors.


> On Nov 18, 2018, at 9:18 PM, Vinay Chella <vinaykumar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> We still have 15 Patch Available/ open tickets which were requested for
> reviews before the Sep 1, 2018 freeze. I am starting this email thread to
> resurface and request a review of community tickets as most of these
> tickets address vital correctness, performance, and usability bugs that
> help avoid critical production issues. I tried to provide context on why we
> feel these tickets are important to get into 4.0. If you would like to
> discuss the technical details of a particular ticket, let's try to do that
> in JIRA.
> CASSANDRA-14525: Cluster enters an inconsistent state after bootstrap
> failures. (Correctness bug, Production impact, Ready to Commit)
> CASSANDRA-14459: DES sends requests to the wrong nodes routinely. (SLA
> breaking latencies, Production impact, Review in progress)
> CASSANDRA-14303 and CASSANDRA-14557: Currently production 3.0+ clusters
> cannot be rebuilt after node failure due to 3.0’s introduction of the
> system_auth keyspace with rf of 1. These tickets both fix the regression
> introduced in 3.0 by letting operators configure rf=3 and prevent future
> outages (Usability bug, Production impact, Patch Available).
> CASSANDRA-14096: Cassandra 3.11.1 Repair Causes Out of Memory. We believe
> this may also impact 3.0 (Title says it all, Production impact, Patch
> Available)
> CASSANDRA-10023: It is impossible to accurately determine local read/write
> calls on C*. This patch allows users to detect when they are choosing
> incorrect coordinators. (Usability bug (troubleshoot), Review in progress)
> CASSANDRA-10789: There is no way to safely stop bad clients bringing down
> C* nodes. This patch would give operators a very important tool to use
> during production incidents to mitigate impact. (Usability bug, Production
> Impact (recovery), Patch Available)
> CASSANDRA-13010: No visibility into which disk is being compacted to.
> (Usability bug, Production Impact (troubleshoot), Review in progress)
> CASSANDRA-12783 - Break up large MV mutations to prevent OOMs (Title says
> it all, Production Impact, Patch InProgress/ Awaiting Feedback)
> CASSANDRA-14319 - nodetool rebuild from DC lets you pass invalid
> datacenters (Usability bug, Production impact, Patch available)
> CASSANDRA-13841 - Smarter nodetool rebuild. Kind of a bug but would be nice
> to get it in 4.0. (Production Impact (recovery), Patch Available)
> CASSANDRA-9452: Cleanup of old configuration, confusing to new C*
> operators. (Cleanup, Patch Available)
> CASSANDRA-14309: Hint window persistence across the record. This way hints
> that are accumulated over a period of time when nodes are creating are less
> likely to take down the entire cluster. (Potential Production Impact, Patch
> Available)
> CASSANDRA-14291: Bug from CASSANDRA-11163? (Usability Bug, Patch Available)
> CASSANDRA-10540: RangeAware compaction. 256 vnode clusters really need this
> to be able to do basic things like repair. The patch needs some rework
> after transient replication (Production impact, needs contributor time)
> URL for all the tickets: JIRA
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?filter=12345151&jql=project%20%3D%20CASSANDRA%20AND%20key%20in%20(CASSANDRA-14525%2C%20CASSANDRA-13010%2C%20CASSANDRA-10023%2C%20CASSANDRA-10789%2C%20CASSANDRA-13841%2C%20CASSANDRA-14309%2C%20CASSANDRA-12783%2C%20CASSANDRA-14291%2C%20CASSANDRA-10540%2C%20CASSANDRA-14303%2C%20CASSANDRA-14557%2C%20CASSANDRA-14459%2C%20CASSANDRA-9452%2C%20CASSANDRA-14096%2C%20CASSANDRA-14319)%20ORDER%20BY%20assignee%20ASC%2C%20reporter%20ASC>
> Let me know.
> Thanks,
> Vinay Chella

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