Interesting. Now that we have semiautomated upgrades, we are going to
hopefully get everything to 3.11X once we get the intermediate hop to 2.2.

I'm thinking we could also use sstable metadata markings + custom
compactors for things like multiple customers on the same table. So you
could sequester the data for a customer in their own sstables and then
queries could effectively be subdivided against only the sstables that had
that customer. Maybe the min and max would cover that, I'd have to look at
the details.

On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 8:11 PM Jonathan Haddad <> wrote:

> In addition to what Jeff mentioned, there was an optimization in 3.4 that
> can significantly reduce the number of sstables accessed when a LIMIT
> clause was used.  This can be a pretty big win with TWCS.
> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 5:50 PM Jeff Jirsa <> wrote:
> > In my original TWCS talk a few years back, I suggested that people make
> > the partitions match the time window to avoid exactly what you’re
> > describing. I added that to the talk because my first team that used TWCS
> > (the team for which I built TWCS) had a data model not unlike yours, and
> > the read-every-sstable thing turns out not to work that well if you have
> > lots of windows (or very large partitions). If you do this, you can fan
> out
> > a bunch of async reads for the first few days and ask for more as you
> need
> > to fill the page - this means the reads are more distributed, too, which
> is
> > an extra bonus when you have noisy partitions.
> >
> > In 3.0 and newer (I think, don’t quote me in the specific version), the
> > sstable metadata has the min and max clustering which helps exclude
> > sstables from the read path quite well if everything in the table is
> using
> > timestamp clustering columns. I know there was some issue with this and
> RTs
> > recently, so I’m not sure if it’s current state, but worth considering
> that
> > this may be much better on 3.0+
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Jeff Jirsa
> >
> >
> > > On Jan 31, 2019, at 1:56 PM, Carl Mueller <
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Situation:
> > >
> > > We use TWCS for a task history table (partition is user, column key is
> > > timeuuid of task, TWCS is used due to tombstone TTLs that rotate out
> the
> > > tasks every say month. )
> > >
> > > However, if we want to get a "slice" of tasks (say, tasks in the last
> two
> > > days and we are using TWCS sstable blocks of 12 hours).
> > >
> > > The problem is, this is a frequent user and they have tasks in ALL the
> > > sstables that are organized by the TWCS into time-bucketed sstables.
> > >
> > > So Cassandra has to first read in, say 80 sstables to reconstruct the
> > row,
> > > THEN it can exclude/slice on the column key.
> > >
> > > Question:
> > >
> > > Or am I wrong that the read path needs to grab all relevant sstables
> > before
> > > applying column key slicing and this is possible? Admittedly we are in
> > 2.1
> > > for this table (we in the process of upgrading now that we have an
> > > automated upgrading program that seems to work pretty well)
> > >
> > > If my assumption is correct, then the compaction strategy knows as it
> > > writes the sstables what it is bucketing them as (and could encode in
> > > sstable metadata?). If my assumption about slicing is that the whole
> row
> > > needs reconstruction, if we had a perfect infinite monkey coding team
> > that
> > > could generate whatever we wanted within some feasibility, could we
> > provide
> > > special hooks to do sstable exclusion based on metadata if we know that
> > > that the metadata will indicate exclusion/inclusion of columns based on
> > > metadata?
> > >
> > > Goal:
> > >
> > > The overall goal would be to support exclusion of sstables from a read
> > > path, in case we had compaction strategies hand-tailored for other
> > queries.
> > > Essentially we would be doing a first-pass bucketsort exclusion with
> the
> > > sstable metadata marking the buckets. This might aid support of
> superwide
> > > rows and paging through column keys if we allowed the table creator to
> > > specify bucketing as flushing occurs. In general it appears query
> > > performance quickly degrades based on # sstables required for a lookup.
> > >
> > > I still don't know the code nearly well enough to do patches, it would
> > seem
> > > based on my looking at custom compaction strategies and the basic read
> > path
> > > that this would be a useful extension for advanced users.
> > >
> > > The fallback would be a set of tables to serve as buckets and we span
> the
> > > buckets with queries when one bucket runs out. The tables rotate.
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >
> --
> Jon Haddad
> twitter: rustyrazorblade

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