Hi Mick,

No objections from me. It will be good to get this change into the 4.0

Whilst the slow down of the dtests is annoying, I am happy to see this
change committed. As long as there are no regressions in the number of
tests that pass then it should be fine. The proposal to raise a follow up
ticket to accompany the commit is a good idea.


On Thu, 20 Aug 2020 at 02:49, Mick Semb Wever <m...@apache.org> wrote:

> It was agreed¹ that 4.0 should have the new configuration defaults of
>   num_tokens: 16
>   allocate_tokens_for_local_replication_factor: 3
> 13701's patches: against cassandra, cassandra-builds, cassandra-dtest, ccm;
> are reviewed, tested, and ready to commit. But the ccm and dtest patches
> required ccm having to now start nodes sequentially, and adding some longer
> timeout values in the dtests.
> The consequence of this is CI runs now take longer. ci-cassandra.a.o's
> dtests take ~30% longer, and circleci's dtests (with vnodes) have gone from
> ~22 to ~43 minutes. The general opinion (on slack²) is to commit, and work
> on improving ccm and dtest startup times in a subsequent ticket.
> 13701 was intended to be committed before the first beta release because of
> its user-facing changes. But these numbers are significant enough it makes
> sense to touch base with dev@
> Does anyone (strongly) object to the "commit + follow up ticket" approach?
> regards,
> Mick
> ¹ –
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/ra829084fcf344e9e96fa5c61cb31e909c8629091993471594b65ea89%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E
> ² – https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CK23JSY2K/p1597747395032600 and
> https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CK23JSY2K/p1597849774078200?thread_ts=1597762085.048300&cid=CK23JSY2K

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