Thanks Adam.

Now that we have CASSANDRA-16079 created and work is proceeding, can we please 
commit CASSANDRA-13701?  There are many clusters out there that use the default 
of 256 num_tokens and migrating to something more sane is a lot of work.  It 
would also be very helpful for having reasonable defaults getting tested for 
the release.  It's been a bad default for a long, long time and we need to get 
this in before we do more testing for the release.

> On Aug 28, 2020, at 5:25 AM, Adam Holmberg <> wrote:
> After discussing with a few stakeholders it sounds like folks agree that
> optimizing dtest speed is a worthy endeavor. What is less clear are
> concrete things that should be done. Since a brainstorming session failed
> to materialize on CASSANDRA-13701, we thought it would make sense to start
> with an open analysis.
> A ticket[1] has been created for analysis and further follow-up. We welcome
> any concrete ideas people already have in mind.
> Kind regards,
> Adam Holmberg
> [1]
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 12:17 PM Mick Semb Wever <> wrote:
>> I believe the speed of our CI runs
>>> is of common interest. What do you think? Does this sound feasible? Who
>> is
>>> in?*
>> I agree. I'm in. I have some ideas to add to the mix. Thanks Ekaterina.
> -- 
> Adam Holmberg
> e.
> w.

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