For significant new feature work, the option of working in a public, 
long-running, trunk-based feature branch is available. If we look at a specific 
example like CEP-7/SAI, I’m not sure how it would benefit much from a 5.0 
branch, at least until it fundamentally depended on other 5.0-targeted work.

> On Sep 10, 2020, at 11:39 PM, Dinesh Joshi <> wrote:
>> On Sep 10, 2020, at 2:10 PM, Joshua McKenzie <> wrote:
>> I can offer my anecdata: I know of two major enterprises as well as have
>> had two interviewees unsolicited bring up to me that they have walked away
>> from or bounced off the project due to the feature freeze / branching
>> strategy. I may be the anomaly given the volume of people in the ecosystem
>> I interact with, but I assume it's more than just the ones I've seen.
> Did these folks bring this issue up with dev@ or private@ before deciding to 
> go in a different direction?
> Dinesh
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