My votes:

1. -1 for a minor and a major reason.  The minor reason is that I believe
we reached consensus in the discussion that allowing the equivalent of
LOCAL_SERIAL should be part of the CEP, but the CEP has not been updated to
reflect this.  The major reason is that there is not a clear path from the
simple CAS operations supported by Accord to full SQL support with
interactive transactions, or even to Calvin-style deterministic
transactions with richer semantics.

2. -1, I'm not convinced that we want a one-size-fits-all approach and if
we do that Accord is the best one size.

3. +1, although obviously the devil is in the details.  I would support,
for instance, exposing any interfaces necessary in Cassandra to make it
feasible to maintain and use Accord as an out-of-tree plugin for the time
being. This lets work on Accord continue while not closing the door on
alternatives that make different tradeoffs.  I would also support, in that
world, CQL extensions that only work with Accord or other “next-gen”
transaction managers to start evolving our APIs past what LWT can handle.

On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 11:44 AM Jonathan Ellis <> wrote:

> Point of order: our project governance states
> <>
> ,
> "Once the proposal is finalized and any major committer dissent
> reconciled, call a [VOTE] on the ML to have the proposal adopted. The
> criteria for acceptance is consensus (3 binding +1 votes and no binding
> vetoes). The vote should remain open for 72 hours."
> No provision is made for declaring a CEP, or part of it, to be subject to
> a simple majority vote simply by claiming it's directional.
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 11:32 AM <>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I would like to start a vote on this CEP, split into three sub-decisions,
>> as discussion has been circular for some time.
>> 1. Do you support adopting this CEP?
>> 2. Do you support the transaction semantics proposed by the CEP for
>> Cassandra?
>> 3. Do you support an incremental approach to developing transactions in
>> Cassandra, leaving scope for future development?
>> The first vote is a consensus vote of all committers, the second and
>> third however are about project direction and therefore are simple majority
>> votes of the PMC.
>> Recall that all -1 votes must be accompanied by an explanation. If you
>> reject the CEP only on grounds (2) or (3) you should not veto the proposal.
>> If a majority reject grounds (2) or (3) then transaction developments will
>> halt for the time being.
>> This vote will be open for 72 hours.
> --
> Jonathan Ellis
> co-founder,
> @spyced

Jonathan Ellis

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