I agree with this sentiment, but I think it will require a bit of time to 
figure out where that balance is.

I’ve inserted a mention of @Nullable, @ThreadSafe, @NotThreadSafe and 

> If we only use one of the two - for example @Nullable - that leaves us with 
> "We know the original author expected this to be null at some point in its 
> lifecycle and it means something" and "We have no idea if this is legacy and 
> nullable or not"

My inclination is to start building some norms around this, carefully as we 
don’t have enough experience and understanding of the pitfalls and long term 
usage. But, my preferred norms would be that properties should be assumed to be 
@Nonnull and that all nullable parameters and properties should be marked as 
@Nullable. This is how I use these properties today; Nonnull always seems 
superfluous, as it is rare to have a set of properties where null is the 
default, or where it is particularly important that the reader or compiler 
realise this.

There will be an interim period, in particular for legacy code, where this may 
lead to less clarity. But in the long term this is probably preferable to 
inconsistent usage where some areas of the codebase indicate @Nonnull without 
indicating @Nullable, and vice-versa, or where every variable and method ends 
up marked with one or the other.

This is probably also most consistent with a future world of cheap Optional 
types (i.e. Valhalla), where Nullable may begin to be replaced with Optional, 
and Nonnull may become very much the default.

That said, as stated multiple times, the author and reviewer’s determinations 
are final. This document just sets up some basic parameters/expectations.

From: Derek Chen-Becker <de...@chen-becker.org>
Date: Saturday, 14 May 2022 at 20:56
To: dev@cassandra.apache.org <dev@cassandra.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Updating our Code Contribution/Style Guide
On Sat, May 14, 2022 at 11:00 AM Josh McKenzie 
<jmcken...@apache.org<mailto:jmcken...@apache.org>> wrote:

Incidentally, I've found similar value in @ThreadSafe, const, readonly, etc - 
communications of author's intent; being able to signal to future maintainers 
helps them make modifications that are more consistent with and safer with 
regards to the original intention and guarantees of the author.

Assuming you trust those guarantees that is. :)

I think author's intent is important, which is why I also think that 
judicious/effective commenting and naming are important (and I'm glad that 
naming is called out in the guidelines explicitly). However, I also think that 
these are also opportunities to help the compiler and tooling help us, similar 
to how Benedict's draft calls out effective use of the type system as a way to 
encode semantics and constraints in the code. These annotations, while clunky 
and verbose, do open the door in some cases to static analysis that the Java 
compiler is incapable of doing. I don't know exactly where it is, but I think 
there's a balance between use of annotations to help tooling identify problems 
while not becoming onerous for current and future contributors. I know this is 
more difficult in Java than, say, Rust, but I'm an eternal optimist and I think 
we can find that balance :)



| Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
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