I agree that any password change (or attempted change) would be very important 
audit data that would need to be captured, I don’t think that auditors would 
necessarily need to know the reason for rejection for a validator? Maybe I’ve 
just worked within less strict auditing requirements though.

We probably need to ensure that any logging is distinct enough for auditing 
purposes (so a password policy violation isn’t confused with say a user lacking 
permission to perform the operation they attempted).

I would note that for telling users about why their password changes were 
rejected, a message is sent back to them detailing why the password was 
rejected is part of this CEP. For example:

InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Guardrail 
password violated: Password was not set as it violated configured password 
strength policy. To resolve this error, the following has to be done: Password 
must be 8 or more characters in length. "



From: Derek Chen-Becker <de...@chen-becker.org>
Date: Wednesday, 12 October 2022 at 7:07 am
To: dev@cassandra.apache.org <dev@cassandra.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [Discuss] CEP-24 Password validation and generation
NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Thanks Jeff, you put it more succinctly than I was able to. I think just having 
these logged out in the app log would be sufficient for audit purposes.



On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 12:56 PM Jeff Jirsa 
<jji...@gmail.com<mailto:jji...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I don't think logging which policy violation was triggered is that big of an 
"Password changed for user X, complying with policies (reuse, complexity, 
"ERROR: Password rejected due to policy violation (reuse)"
"ERROR: Password rejected due to policy violation (complexity)"
"ERROR: Password rejected due to policy violation (entropy)"

The success log makes it much easier for users subject to audit controls, and 
the failures make it much easier to tell users what's going on for those users 
who operate the database for other people.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 11:48 AM Miklosovic, Stefan 
<stefan.mikloso...@netapp.com<mailto:stefan.mikloso...@netapp.com>> wrote:
I am afraid this is way out of scope of this CEP. I think we would be the very 
first on the database scene to offer such low-level and fine-grained 
information. I am not persuaded that this is something we should be giving a 
lot of attention right now. We have "cassandra / cassandra" credentials combo 
as default, I would say that is more important to deal with right now than 
providing very detailed information about what kind of passwords people are 

Thank you very much for (not only your) insights. This is very important 
feedback and I am glad you participate in this thread. I will try to summarize 
where we are as it is easy to get lost in these emails.

From: Derek Chen-Becker <de...@chen-becker.org<mailto:de...@chen-becker.org>>
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 18:59
To: dev@cassandra.apache.org<mailto:dev@cassandra.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [Discuss] CEP-24 Password validation and generation

NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Speaking with my operator hat on, I would want to know if there's a common 
pattern that my end users hit so that I can better educate them or provide 
tools (e.g. vaults) to help them manage the required complexity.



On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 10:06 AM Miklosovic, Stefan 
"but we should consider logging why it was rejected."

Why? What is the use case? Why is it important for you to know what somebody 
tried to create a role with password "aaaaaaaaaa" (it will not be shown), just 
mentioning that they tried to create a password with a lot of repeating 
characters? What is the added value here?

I need to double check if warnings are logged as well. I'll get back to you.

From: Derek Chen-Becker 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 17:47
Subject: Re: [Discuss] CEP-24 Password validation and generation

NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

I know we log that the password change attempt was made, but we should consider 
logging why it was rejected. As part of that, we may want to consider how we 
format that message to make it easy for an auditing system to parse. We should 
never log the actual password, or even a redacted version; apologies if it 
sounded like I was suggesting that.



On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 9:36 AM Miklosovic, Stefan 
I dont follow, sorry. What logs do you mean? What would you like to see?

The auditing framework we already do have in place will log that somebody tried 
to create (or alter) a role with this and that password and it failed (password 
would be redacted). If you use "with generated password", that password will 
not be even shown in audit log. I am not completely sure if the warning is 
logged too if password is not valid (I do think that only CQL command itself is 

The configuration of validator is in cassandra.yaml. Folks can review that?

I am sorry if I am missing something here, could you expand what you mean?

To Josh:

You are probably right but it is so easy to bypass that it is questionable why 
it is actually there. All it takes is to do "alter role myself with generated 
password" (literally), 5 times in a row and you can set the original one back. 
One positive fact is that such password, even same as the original one, would 
still have to be valid, but it just might be same as it was.

From: Derek Chen-Becker 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 17:14
Subject: Re: [Discuss] CEP-24 Password validation and generation

NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

On top of what Josh said, a corresponding requirement here would be auditing. A 
password complexity and/or history policy is one piece of security posture, but 
is itself insufficient to be considered "secure". What kind of logs will this 
new policy checker emit that the folks responsible for security for a given 
cluster can parse, process, and report on?



On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 9:07 AM Josh McKenzie 
if we do that, we should also restrict the frequency how often a user can 
change the password. Lets think this through. If the depth of historical 
verification is 5 passwords, a user just has to regenerate a password 5 times 
in a row an he can use the same one
I may be misunderstanding, but this strikes me as in the "we can only do so 
much to prevent people from doing stupid things" category. If someone's so 
hell-bent on circumventing their company's attempts at security they're 
probably much more at risk of running unidentified attachments or giving out 
credentials over the phone rather than finding clever ways to work around 
annoying password rotation rules on their db accounts right?

On Mon, Oct 10, 2022, at 4:08 PM, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
Hi Brad,

your link about not enforcing regular password expiration for users is spot on. 
For these reasons I decided to not expand that CEP in that direction. Sure, 
technically possible, but practically questionable. I think that all these 
guides and recommendations should be looked at from the perspective of the 
system they are meant to be implemented in. Enforcing password to be changed in 
a database system is rather interesting take. After I briefly took a look, I do 
not think there is a database on the market which is enforcing this. On the 
other hand, for example, Neo4j forces you to change the password on the first 
login as the default one is "neo4j" for user "neo4j". This does make sense to 
implement for Cassandra as well. I do consider password "cassandra" for role 
"cassandra" very insecure and it is not forced by anybody to change it. 
However, it is quite interesting problem how to achieve that.

Also, the reason I want to leave out historical verification of passwords in 
(at least the initial) implementation is that if we do that, we should also 
restrict the frequency how often a user can change the password. Lets think 
this through. If the depth of historical verification is 5 passwords, a user 
just has to regenerate a password 5 times in a row an he can use the same one. 
So implmenting this without restricting how often he can change his password 
does not make sense. We can indeed explore this further but I feel like the 
initial implementation should not deal with this for now.

When it comes to section of NIST document, as already mention at the 
bottom of the CEP, we used Appendix A of this (1) to model what the good 
password should be. Your link is way more descriptive though. Particularly 
interesting points are these:

- Passwords obtained from previous breach corpuses.
- Dictionary words.
- Repetitive or sequential characters (e.g. ‘aaaaaa’, ‘1234abcd’).
- Context-specific words, such as the name of the service, the username, and 
derivatives thereof.

I believe that points 1), 2) and 4) can be implemented easily as checking the 
password against a dictionary. The library we want to use is able to check the 
password against a dictionary. Dictionary check can be also implemented as a 
separate ticket which would just expand the functionality of 
DefaultPasswordValidator. I do not have a problem to include dictionary check 
into the first iteration as well.

Repetitive or sequential characters are already covered in the POC 

The document you linked also contains this:

Verifiers SHOULD offer guidance to the subscriber, such as a password-strength 
meter [Meters], to assist the user in choosing a strong memorized secret. This 
is particularly important following the rejection of a memorized secret on the 
above list as it discourages trivial modification of listed (and likely very 
weak) memorized secrets

We are already doing this, quite intelligently, by telling a user what is wrong 
with his password that it can not be used (e.g. that it does not contain so and 
so number of specific characters). The "meter" is also there - we have three 
levels - OK password, password with a warning and failed password. We inform a 
user about the strength of his password retroactively - we do not tell him what 
the password should be before he tries to set one however I think that is 
acceptable when using Cassandra and cqlsh in console environment.

(1) https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63b.html#appA
From: Brad 
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2022 17:43
Subject: Re: [Discuss] CEP-24 Password validation and generation

NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

I would suggest reviewing the guidelines in sec in of NIST Special 
800-63B<https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63b.html#memsecretver> and the 
NCSC Password policy: updating your approach - 



On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 7:27 AM Miklosovic, Stefan 
Hi list,

together with my colleague Jackson Fleming we put together CEP-24 about 
password validation and password generation in Cassandra.


We are looking forward to discuss this CEP with you in depth.

The outcome of this thread would be to sort out any issues / concerns you have 
so we might eventually vote and implement that in upstream if our contribution 
is found to be useful.

There is a reference implementation provided we would like to build our 
solution on top.


Stefan Miklosovic

| Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
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| Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
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| Fngrprnt: EB8A 6480 F0A3 C8EB C1E7  7F42 AFC5 AFEE 96E4 6ACC  |

| Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
| GPG Key available at https://keybase.io/dchenbecker and       |
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| Fngrprnt: EB8A 6480 F0A3 C8EB C1E7  7F42 AFC5 AFEE 96E4 6ACC  |

| Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
| GPG Key available at https://keybase.io/dchenbecker and       |
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| Fngrprnt: EB8A 6480 F0A3 C8EB C1E7  7F42 AFC5 AFEE 96E4 6ACC  |

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